PSA Genion

Nitrogen generators for industrial painting

The importance and convenience of having nitrogen produced on-the-spot and always available

There are many technical advantages of using nitrogen instead of compressed air. Unfortunately, bringing cylinders of gas to the factory floor is very expensive. Thanks to the GENION system, the required nitrogen is produced directly on-site: the required amount is constantly produced at the pressure, temperature and dewpoint that are optimal for the specific coating process.

The GENION system is easy to install

The GENION system is easy to install, can use the compressed air available on site or can be set up with a dedicated compressed air system.
The higher painting quality, the much lower painting costs, the low energy consumption, and the low maintenance costs are the key features that make the GENION system a primary strategic investment that pays for itself off in just a few months.

Isolcell has developed a technology that allows to save up to 40% of costs by replacing compressed air with nitrogen.

Based on the experience gained in 55 years of research and development for atmosphere treatment and control, lsolcell has developed a technology that saves up to 40% of the costs of painting, by replacing compressed air with pure nitrogen produced on the spot. The GENION system, currently in an advanced design stage, has been tested by leading automotive manufacturers, with excellent results. The nitrogen produced by GENION, based on P.S.A technology, (Pressure Swing Adsorption) is highly pure, contamination-free and characterized by a very low dew point. GENION leads to superior results on any type of surface (wood, plastic, glass, metals and more).

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Nitrogen generators for painting

PSA Series NM

Compact, but with the same reliability of the larger models. The PSA GENION M generators can be equipped with optimized drying and filtration systems, temperature control units for manual and/or dual flow robotised coating. The series generators are also equipped with a continuous residual oxygen analysis system whereby GENION controls its operating parameters.

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Nitrogen generators for painting

PSA NL S-D Series

The dimensions of the generators PSA NL S and D are designed to adapt to the consumption of our customers’ laser machines. There are applications both for individual machines and for specialised centres with several laser machines. Our autoproducer plants have various solutions that are also suitable to offset consumption peaks through storage in 300 bar cylinder sets. Their modular structure allows the expansion of the production capacity of the system even after the start of the operations, simply by inserting other filtering columns into the single machine, or by adding additional external modules.

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